Sunday, February 18, 2018

Looking for Skunk Cabbage in Brukner Nature Center's Swamp

The day was chilly...31 degrees Fahrenheit...but I was ready to see a sure sign of spring That's why I came to Brukner.

I decided to take the trail down Shortstep Hill.  At the top of the hill, not far from the Interpretive Center are the Wildlife Ambassadors, the animals who cannot be released into the wild for one reason or another.  Instead, they teach visitors about our native wildlife.

It was interesting to watch this crow drink from the dip between the slabs of concrete.  Behind him and to the left is his Brukner provided water dish.

The creek that flows through the Brukner ravine to the Stillwater River was talkative as it rushed along.  I tried to download a movie clip but it didn't load for some reason so it's Use Your Imagination time.

Because the floodplain boardwalk often is flooded when we have a lot of rain, I took Wren Run up the next hill and then down to the swamp.  At the bottom of the hill where the swamp sits, I found what I was looking for...

When I scanned the photo into the computer, I noticed there are buds inside the spathes.  Spring is on its way.

The trip back was easier because the floodplain boardwalk wasn't flooded after all.  Close to where the swamp ends and the floodplain begins I saw a crayfish chimney.  The red arrow points to the hole the critter has come out through.

Here is a portion of the boardwalk that is often flooded in spring.

This strangely twisted dead tree, the one in the middle, is still standing.

As I headed back I spied a few bright green Hepatica leaves.  By the time the flowers bloom the leaves will be withered.

Back at the foot of Shortstep Hill.  Climbing up takes more energy than going down.

Halfway up.  Tom is waiting for me at the Upper Vista Room.  He is taking photos of birds.

We were both happy we decided to visit Brukner.

1 comment:

  1. What a good day out...I am so glad you saw some signs of spring! It snowed here today :)
